derive the backpropagation algorithm..
I'd like to be the best person I can be. I'm certain you do, too. Deep down inside, we all do. In my own lifelong quest of self-betterment - both as a software developer, and as a person - what's often helped is when I become aware of some negative habit I didn't realize I had before. Some kind of error in thinking, or trait I'd adopted into my personality, which isn't helping me achieve my highest, best goals in life. Because recognizing them is a good first step to changing them. Awareness, followed by new intention. A few qualities I've recognized in myself, all worth changing, that seem to be common among programmers: 1) Dismissiveness I'm evaluating an idea. Someone's opinion, as they share it with me. And I think: That's stupid. Or: that could never work. Or: that's just (equate it to something else I can easily dismiss). Which is convenient, because if it's stupid, etc., I don't need to think about it any more. After al...